Sunday, August 21, 2016


Brad and I have officially been in Thailand for 3 months now, and with those 90 days having flown by, it's already time for us to leave.

Oh wait, don't get your hopes up, we're not coming back to America yet. I just meant, we had to leave Thailand to do a border run, so we could stay here legally. Basically, after 90 days your visa expires, and you have to leave the country and then come back in and get a new visa. So to do this, we took the bus to the nearest country, which in our case was Laos.

We discovered that life is simple in Laos. The people are friendly, and everything moves at a slower pace, especially the traffic. Seriously, they stop and give pedestrians the right of way to cross the street, which was a nice change from almost getting hit by a scooter everyday in Thailand.

The town of Savannakhet is nothing spectacular. It's just a little border town that we spent three days exploring while we waited to pick up our new Thai visas. During our explorations, we walked from one side of town to the other, and then back again just to get some exercise and see the way that people live here. Here's a few of my favorite pictures that I took of their everyday life.

It makes me smile just to see how happy the kids are, even though they don't have very much. So everyone be thankful for what you have, and keep reading my blog! :)

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