Thursday, June 2, 2016

How We Ended Up In Thailand

If you would have asked me a few years ago, if moving to Thailand to teach English was part of my ten year plan, I definitely would have said no. The plan was to graduate college and become a high school math teacher. Well half of that came true. I graduated from the University of South Dakota last May, and during my four years there, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study abroad in New Zealand. And it was during my time there that everything changed.

While I was in New Zealand, I heard the Kiwis rave about how great their holidays spent in southeast Asia were. Immediately this area became the next place on my bucket list. All I wanted to do was travel and see the world. I wanted to explore as many new cultures as possible, and it was all I could think about. I started planning for how to make this dream come true, and so after I graduated I got certified to teach English as a foreign language. I was certified by the fall and antsy to go. The only thing stopping me was that their school year didn't start until the end of May.  

As the time passed before I was set to leave, I started to get more serious with my now fiancé, Brad. We have been friends for the past five years, but it wasn't until I moved home after graduation that we went on our first date. The sparks quickly flew, and at first we didn't know what would happen to our relationship once I left for Thailand, but after only a few short months, we knew we never wanted to be apart. So now we're both living in Sisaket, Thailand and this is our story.

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